位置 turnitin查重/英文文献论文降重复率技巧


阅读:86270 收藏:44753 时间:2024-02-10 作者:wmitz20772投稿







Writing an article with low repetition rate requires careful consideration and proper skill to oid the same words and phrases. Here are two tips to help you write an article with low repetition rate.。

First, try to use as many different words as possible when you write. Sometimes, writers repeat the same words or phrases because they cannot think of a better alternative. To oid this, try to use a thesaurus to look up different words with similar meanings. There are also many other online tools that can help you find the right words to use in your article.。

Second, try to use different sentence structures. Using the same sentence structure over and over again can make an article uninteresting and monotonous. To oid this, use different sentence structures such as active voice, passive voice, and questions. This will help to make your article more varied and interesting to read.。

In conclusion, writing an article with low repetition rate requires careful consideration and skill. Use different words and sentence structures to make your article more interesting and dynamic. By following these tips, you can easily write an article with low repetition rate.。





第三,文献综述中的文献应采用可靠的数据库,比如Web of Science、EBSCO和Google Scholar等,这样可以保证文献的质量,避免重复。



Reducing repetition rate is an important goal for academic writing. A high repetition rate can make a paper difficult to read and understand, and can make it less persuasive. Reducing repetition rate involves making sure that each point is made only once, and that it is made in the most concise and effective way possible. There are several strategies that can be used to reduce repetition rate in an academic paper. 。

First, it is important to carefully plan the structure of the paper. This should include a clear outline that outlines the main points of the paper and how they will be argued. This will help ensure that all points are made in a logical and efficient manner, and that points are not repeated unnecessarily.。

Second, it is important to edit the paper carefully. This means ensuring that sentences are succinct and that unnecessary words are removed. This will also help to reduce repetition rate, as it will make it easier to spot any points that are being repeated.。

Third, it is important to use synonyms in the paper. Using synonyms can help to make the paper more interesting and engaging, and can also help to reduce repetition rate. By using different words to refer to the same concept, writers can ensure that they are not repeating themselves.。

Finally, it is important to use visuals to supplement the written text. Including visuals such as diagrams, graphs, and tables can help to make the paper more interesting and more visually appealing. This can also help to reduce repetition rate, as it provides an alternative way of conveying the same information.。

In conclusion, reducing repetition rate is an important goal for academic writing. By carefully planning the structure of the paper, editing the paper carefully, using synonyms, and using visuals, writers can ensure that the repetition rate in their paper is reduced.。






